Let’s talk about grounding. It’s a bit of a buzzword in therapy and self-help circles, but what is it really?
Grounding is the practice of bringing your focus to the present moment through different strategies. This can be helpful when you experience distressing or negative feelings and can help to interrupt a flashback or bad memory. Shifting your focus to the present moment helps to get you out of your mind and emotions and into the safety of the physical space around you.
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Grounding is helpful for everyone and can be especially effective with:
The following grounding exercises that are relatively accessible. Try some out the next time you experience stress, bad memories, or negative emotions.
Spiritual Grounding Exercises
Activities in these categories are completely arbitrary and made up! The point is to help you think about all the ways that you can relax. Using your senses, using your mind as a distraction, connecting with things outside yourself and connecting with your inner self can all help you to feel grounded in the moment.
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